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Roushian-Ukrainian War

(2015). "Financial Sanctions Impact Russian Oil, Equipment Export Ban's Effects Limited". Oil and Gas Journal. 113 (8): 66–72. "Russia said to redeploy...

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Dae nae buy Roushie guids!

Retrieved 11 October 2014. "As leaders dither, citizens impose own sanctions on Russia". Reuters. 4 Mairch 2014. Archived frae the original on 30 October...

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Warld War II

the Unitit States embargoed airn, steel an mechanical pairts against Japan. Ither sanctions suin follaed. File:The USS Arizona (BB-39) burnin efter the...

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Roushian-Ukrainian War

The Roushian-Ukrainian War (Ukrainian: російсько-українська війна, romanised: rosiisko-ukrainska viina) is an ongangin an protractit war that stertit i Februar 2014, primarily involvin Roushie an pro-Roushian forces on the ane hand, an Ukraine on the tither. The war haes centert on the status o the Crimea an pairts o the Donbas, whilk is lairgely internationally recognised as pairt o Ukraine. Follaein the Euromaidan protests an the subsequent oottakkin o the Ukrainian preses Viktor Yanukovych on Februar 22t, an amang pro-Roushian wanpeace i Ukraine, Roushian sodgers wioot insignias taen control o strategic poseitions an infrastructure athin the Ukrainian territory o Crimea. On Mairch 1t, 2014, the federation cooncil o the Roushian Federation unanimously adoptit a resolution tae peteition Roushian heid ane Vladimir Putin tae uise militar force i Ukraine. The resolution wis adoptit several days efter, efter the stert o the Roushian militar operation on the "returnin o the Crimea". Russia then annexit the Crimea efter a widely criticised local referendum whilk wis organised bi Roushie efter the capturrin o the Crimean pairliament whase eftercome wis fur the Autonomous Republic o Crimea tae jyne the Roushian Federation. I April, demonstrations bi pro-Roushian groups i the Donbas area o Ukraine escalatit intae a war atween the Ukrainian government an the Roushian-backit separatist forces o the sel-declaret Donetsk an Luhansk Fowk's Republics. I August, Roushian militar vehicles crosst the mairch i several locations o the Donetsk Oblast. the incursion bi the Roushian military wis seen as responsible fur the defeat o Ukrainian forces i early September. I November 2014, the Ukrainian militar reportit intensive troop an equipment muivement frae Roushie intae the separatist-controlt pairts o the eastern Ukraine. The Associated Press reportit 40 wanmerkit military vehicles on the move i rebel-controlt areas. The Organisation fur Security an Comploutherin i Europe (OSCE) special monitorin mission observit convoys o heivy wappens an tanks i dpr-controllit territory without insignia. OSCE monitors furer statit they observit vehicles transportin ammuneition an sodgers' deid bodies crossin the Roushian-Ukrainian mairch unner the guise o humanitarian aid convoys. As o early August 2015, the OSCE observit ower 21 siclike vehicles merkit wi the Roushian militar code fur sodgers killt i action. By the wey o the Moscow Times, Roushie haes tried tae counger an wheesht human richts wirkers communin Roushian sodgers' daiths i the conflict. OSCE haes time an again reportit that its observers wis na-said ingate tae the auries controlt bi "combined Roushian-separatist forces". The feck o the memmers o the internaitional commonty and organisations like Amnesty International haes condamnt Roushie fur its actions i post-revolutionar Ukraine, accuisin it o breakin internaitional law an deforcin Ukrainian soveranety. Mony kintras implementit economic sanctions agin Roushie, Roushian individuals or companies. I October 2015, the Washington Post reportit that Roushie haes redeployed some o its elite units frae Ukraine tae Syria fur tae uphaud Syrian heid ane Bashar Al-assad. I Desember 2015, Roushian Federation heid ane Vladimir Putin admittit that russian military intelligence officers wis operatin i ukraine, insistin thouch thon they wernae the same as regular troops. As o february 2019, 7% o Ukraine's territory is classified bi the Ukrainian government as temporarily occupied territories. In Mairch and April 2021, Russia sterted tae mass thoosans o military personnel an graith naur its mairch wi Ukraine, representin the heichest force mobilisation syne the kintra's annexation o Crimea in 2014. On the 24t o Febiveer, Putin began the 2022 Roushian invasion o Ukraine.

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