Portal:Biology/Did you know

Did you know 1

Portal:Biology/Did you know/1

Did you know 2

Portal:Biology/Did you know/2

Did you know 3

Portal:Biology/Did you know/3

  • ... that one of the smallest fish, the Philippine goby, can only grow between 1 and 1.5 cm?
  • ...that the largest flower, Rafflesia has a very foul odor?
  • ... that mesoporous silica nanoparticles are prepared by the Stöber process and are used in preparing biosensors and delivering medications to within cellular structures?

Did you know 4

Portal:Biology/Did you know/4

  • ... that seeds of the fossil fruit Suciacarpa have fossil fungi inside them?
  • ... that the fossil ant genus Agastomyrma was described from a single queen, and males of the fossil ant Proceratium eocenicum have a hair fringe?
  • ... that less than 50 years after being discovered, Heterelmis stephani is now presumed extinct?
  • ... that in 1981 Bobbi Campbell became the first person to publicly identify as a person living with HIV/AIDS?

Did you know 5


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